Snapchat has fast become a social media favourite, especially among travellers. What better way to give the folks back home a taste of what you’re up to on your adventures? Alas, as insightful as this may at first seem, a collection of particular images have now become commonplace among the average traveller’s Snapchat ammunition. Yes, if there was ever a precursory shot list to document your travels via Snapchat, this is it…

1. Holiday essentials

Before departing on your adventures, many travellers find it necessary to Snapchat their holiday essentials: passport, plane ticket, novel, sunglasses, fake-suntan-enhancing product… optional healthy drink accompaniment. Like an unnecessary visual checklist, it is one that is impeccably arranged for Snapchatting purposes only. Just be careful not leave all them behind once you’re done snapping…

2. Airplane view

This is a Snapchat that requires true dedication and careful planning. Photographing the view out the airplane window as you fly is crucial in order to alert all your followers that you’re holidaying somewhere exotic abroad and not just hitting up your local campsite this summertime. However, the fact that there isn’t exactly a whole lot of Wi-Fi available as your soar mid-way across the Atlantic means a good memory is key to unleashing this one to the world as soon as you hit Internet territory.

3. Hot dog legs

It’s been the biggest social media optical illusion outcry since the adorably delicious “Puppy or Bagel?” Indeed, the pivotal “Hot Dog or Legs?” conundrum most definitely shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. Yes, this is a Snapchat phenomenon that occurs whenever someone is on holiday and the sun is out, thus prompting Snapchatters to indulge in the ceremonial unveiling of their legs to the outside world… or hotdogs to the BBQ.

4. The epic ice cream

Perhaps the ultimate holiday treat; the humble ice cream cone has now become a Snapchat foodie favourite. Often captured raised high against a bright blue, cloud-dappled sky; such a positioning instantly evokes visions of a powerful athlete thrusting the Olympic Torch into the air. The reality is more likely to be that you are parked on a beach towel and soon as you’ve got your shot, will devour that tasty 99 in 2 seconds.

5. The natural look

Much like the ubiquitous bikini Snapchat selfie in the mirror shot, a common choice among the female Snapchat advocate is to share a shot of themselves on their travels “sans make-up”. Do your followers really care you have embraced the natural look abroad? Probably not. Do you look narcissistic? Just a tad.

6. Landmark love

The token shot beside a city landmark is an absolute Snapchat must for any traveller. Perhaps now considered to be the modern-day version of a postcard, this Snapchat is regularly depicted with travellers indulging in some sort of comical interaction with said landmark, captured with the aid of the notorious selfie stick.

7. Dreamy palm trees

The image of palm tree silhouettes swaying against a pink and red brushed sky is the quintessential Snapchat embodiment of “I’ve-totally-just-been-having-the-time-of-my-life-listening-to-totally-awesome-yet-utterly-obscure-bands-at-Coachella-and-now-it’s-the-end-of-the-weekend-so-reminiscing-as-it’s-time-to-go home…” How poetic.

8. Get your drink on

Nothing screams “I’m on holiday!” more than a stack of novelty cocktails. Normally shared by Snapchatters mid-week and during the day, this is prime jealously-inducing Snapchat etiquette, knowing too well your followers will be holed up at work someplace far less glamorous than you are.

10. Lights. Phone. Action.

Being on holiday means trying new things. Sky diving. Snowboarding. Zorbing… Whatever your persuasion may be. With this Snapchat of you completing the task at hand, a friend normally plays photographer. Selfie Snapchats are best avoided on this occasion. Last thing you want is to lose grip of your phone mid- bungee jump before you’ve even clicked the share arrow.

11. The local animal

Like Batman and Robin and peanut butter & jelly, animals and social media are a winning combination. Fact: everyone loves an animal social media post. So even when you’re on your travels, this is a key snapchat to share to find favour among your followers. Be it a koala up a tree, a dolphin mid jump or even a friendly local stray dog, just well… chilling.

12. Fancy footwork

If you want to add a little extra something, something to your otherwise relatively boring shot of holiday scenes such as sand or a tiled poolside, then just add feet! Feet are the perfect accessory to any holiday ground snapshot. Footwear optional.

13. Going swimmingly

Be it straddling a giant inflatable swan in the hotel pool or staring wistfully out at the ocean horizon, snapchatters have grown a thirst for capturing some sort of watery interaction whilst on their travels. This is always going to be a risky shot. Yep, be wary of gaining a soggy phone. Otherwise your Snapchatting days will be (GASP) over.

14. Snapchat filter

Last but not least, ever since Snapchat released its greatest ever update, no holiday Snapchat story would be complete without at least one dabble in its eclectic range of face filters. While the Face-Swap feature can make for an entertaining 5 mins as you kill time at the airport, every once in a while this endeavor can also go mystically awry…

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About the author

Aideen ShannonAn Irish born writer living in London with a penchant for burgers, music festivals and spontaneous adventures. Happiest when enjoyed all at once.

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