
Yo dude, surf’s up bra! Where better to serve up ‘bras’ than inches away from one of the world’s greatest and most beautiful cities, San Francisco. With a summer cocktail of sandy beaches and big swells, here are a few handy tips on where to find the perfect waves to ride in our guide to the best surfing spots in San Francisco.

Ocean Beach

Skirting the west side of San Francisco, Ocean Beach is a beautiful 3.5-mile stretch of lush sand and sea. On a perfect day the beach is littered with hundreds of surfers pouring straight out from the city.

Despite its popularity it’s not an easy ride for beginners, with only the experienced surfers beating the huge currents caused by the Golden Gate tide.

Fort Point

Just North of Ocean Beach and full of locals is Fort Point, one of the best places in the world to surf because of the epic views.

From water level your eyes can follow the city’s edge as it sprawls out along the coast, while directly overhead towers the Golden Gate Bridge.

Sheltered from the worst of the Pacific, Fort Point can still be challenging because of its rock rich waters and incredibly strong currents.


Slightly to the west of Fort Point is a small cove nicknamed Deadman’s by locals, because of its close proximity to a notorious Golden Gate jumpers spot.

On most days this bay is unsurfable, but with the good conditions the breaks are perfect. The rocks and current make this strictly a location for the pros, with the additional risk of the very protective locals!


To the south of San Francisco is a world-renowned spot called Mavericks, where a wave can turn a surfer into a wild man hero.

After a Jet Ski tow or a 45-minute battle with the currents, you are faced with colossal waves hurtling along at jaw dropping speeds.

Pedro Point

Just a step North of Maverick’s is Pedro Point, one of the local’s closely kept secrets.

Another big wave spot, Pedro Point is relatively uncrowded due to the fierce protection of the local surfing community.

Definitely one to check out for experienced surfers, just ensure you don’t tread on any local toes.

Words by Lance van Dijk

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Written by insider city guide series Hg2 | A Hedonist’s guide to… whose guides cover all the best hotels, restaurants, bars, clubs, sights, shops and spas.

About the author

Oonagh ShielContent Manager at Cheapflights whose travel life can be best summed up as BC (before children) and PC (post children). We only travel during the school holidays so short-haul trips and staycations are our specialities!

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