
The Simpsons, the world’s longest-running animated TV show, has just kicked off season 26. The show is older than Emma Watson and she makes speeches at the United Nations these days – Lisa Simpson will no doubt be joining the UN any day now.

The Simpsons celebrated their season 26 milestone with a Family Guy crossover (cunningly titled “The Simpsons Guy”) and the longest TV marathon ever – every single previous episode was screened over September on the Fox network in the USA (check out the hashtag #everysimpsonsever on any social network if you haven’t witnessed the gloriousness). It’s no surprise then that the Simpsons have dominated the world with lessons galore for us and an impressive vocabulary to show for it.

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The Simpsons’ travel tips, country by country

Although Homer may not appear to be the most wordly of travellers in the scene above, the Simpsons have visited a surprisingly large amount of the globe.

Some of the family’s most memorable episodes are set in foreign climes and in each episode the Simpsons give all viewing travellers valuable lessons. So what exactly have The Simpsons taught us about travel?

Great Britain – Episode: “The Regina Monologues”

According to The Simpsons, the UK’s Prime Minister will greet you when you land at Heathrow, and London is swarming with prim flying nannies. Most importantly, Judi Dench runs a network of drive-thru fish and chip shops.

Groundskeeper Willie weighed in on the Scottish Independence Vote in September 2014

Tanzania – Episode:“Simpson Safari”

The Simpsons’ trip to Tanzania taught us that monkeys are great at mining diamonds and that you should always make sure your mosquito net is the right way round.

Brazil – Episodes “Blame It On Lisa” & “You Don’t Have to Live Like a Referee”

The Simpsons have been to Brazil twice. They first visited because Lisa was looking for an orphan she had been sponsoring, while the second time was because Homer was a referee at the World Cup.

These aren’t the only reasons people visit Brazil but they should definitely be on your to-do list when you go.

Japan – Episode:“Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo”

The Simpsons teaches us that if you accidentally sumo wrestle the Emporer of Japan and get thrown in jail, it’s not all bad. You’ll just have to spend your time behind paper bars doing kabuki, origami, flower arranging and meditation.

Japanese TV shows have their own pitfalls

India – Episode: “Homer And Apu”

In India, The Simpsons revealed that you’re likely to get accosted by religious preachers at the airport.

China – Episode: “Goo Goo Gai Pan”

In China, as well as the rudimentary free markets that even Homer notices, you can observe small insurrections about the fact that Pearl Jam never plays concerts there. Best of all, you can visit a very famous dead body.

Australia – Episode: “Bart vs Australia”

The Simpsons shows us that if you’re thirsty in Australia, the only drink available is beer. Ticket to Australia, please!

Beer in Australia

Ireland – Episode:“In The Name Of The Grandfather”

In their visit to Ireland, The Simpsons reveal that U2 is actually a moving company that moves in mysterious ways. That explains why the band turned up in your iTunes without permission recently.

Homer listens to a leprechaun’s musical tale

Italy – Episode: “The Italian Bob”

When they visit Italy, The Simpsons realise that drinking laws vary from country to country. Most surprising of all, the Italian word for “vendetta” is “vendetta”.

France – Episode: “The Crepes Of Wrath”

The Simpsons teaches us that most of France’s scenery is in fact made up of artwork by the likes of Claude Monet, Henri Rousseau and Edouard Manet. Also, being forced to work on a vineyard in France might just make you fluent in French.

A typical drive through France

Oddly, The Simpsons have never had a proper episode in Mexico (there was that argument in Kamp Krusty when Homer got into an argument with a chef over the pronunciation of “taco” in Mexican), but that didn’t stop fans starting a real-life version of Moe’s Tavern in Tijuana.

Iceland – Episode: “The Saga Of Carl”

When Homer, Lenny and Moe go looking for Karl in Iceland, they find out that trips to the volcanic island are always soundtracked by Sigur Ros. Seriously, go there yourself, it’ll totally happen.

Sigur Ros’ version of The Simpsons’ Theme

Israel –  Episode: “The Greatest Story Ever D’ohed”

The Simpsons learn that the biggest danger in Jerusalem is actually dehydration and pushy tourist guides. Also, the Church of the Holy Sepulcre makes a good spot for a nap. Finally, it’s important to avoid getting Jerusalem Syndrome.

Homer won’t be moving to Israel any time soon

Homer and Bart on tour at the Wailing Wall

Peru – Episode: “Lost Verizon”

In Peru, Homer learned that it’s easy to pick up an addiction to coca leaves, while Marge found that falling asleep beneath Incan statues leads to life-enriching visions.

The Simpsons in Peru, as shown in Peru

A sand sculpture of The Simpsons on display at the FIESA festival in Portugal

Canada – Episode: “Boy Meets Curl”

The Simpsons teaches us that instead of doves, Canadians have beavers.

The Simpsons’ vision of Alaska is also totally accurate

The Simpsons are multi-lingual

Possibly due to all the travelling they’ve done over the years, The Simpsons are incredibly skilled at speaking in different languages.

Have you heard Homer speak Spanish before? YOU MUST. The revealing thoughts of Spanish Homer:

Marge’s German is sehr gut

Homer’s speaking voice in Portuguese seems to have more gravitas than his American one

Bart and Lisa must have learnt French from Principal Skinner

Mr Burns and Smithers are really good at French too

The Simpsons always speak in Italian when they go to the opera

The Simpsons argue in perfect Japanese in this ice cream commercial

In Pakistan, The Simpsons TV show is called Tedi Sim Sim. Here they are talking in Punjabi

It doesn’t get much better than Homer speaking German before a monkey rubs its bum

Finally, how about visiting The Simpsons themselves?

The Simpsons seem to travel everywhere, but how about you visit the Simpsons instead? Universal Studios in Florida is offering just that with the closest approximation to Springfield you can get (other than the smaller version in Universal Studios in California…), complete with a real-life Krusty Burger, Moe’s Tavern and all sorts of other Simpsons-related fun.

Most important of all is, of course, The Simpsons Ride. This 3D rollercoaster simulator takes place in Krustyland where Sideshow Bob has taken over and run riot. It’s a dream come true for die-hard Simpsons fans.

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(Feature image: Adam Levine)

About the author

Adam ZulawskiAdam is a freelance writer and Polish-to-English translator. He blogs passionately about travel for Cheapflights and runs Download his free e-book about Poland's capital after it was almost completely destroyed by the Nazis: 'In the Shadow of the Mechanised Apocalypse: Warsaw 1946'

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