
How to beat the back-to-work blues

As you unpack your bags the smell of coconut suntan lotion mixed with mosquito repellent escapes and the last grains of sand fall to the floor while you take out your swimsuit. At that moment you realise the holiday’s over and it’s time to go back to the usual routine…

After returning from holiday most of us forget to exchange leftover foreign currency, get a bad case of post-holiday blues or arrive late to work because we’re too jet lagged to hear the alarm. But follow the Cheapflights guide for all those things to do once you’re back and your post-holiday glow will shine just that little bit longer.

Exchanging foreign currency

It’s estimated that 33 million British holiday makers return home each year with more than £920 million in leftover holiday money. That’s probably because most of us end up saving it for the next time we travel. But instead of stashing it in your biscuit tin why not give to a worthy cause instead?

Most charities collect foreign currency – particularly EU currency which in turn makes you eligible for tax relief under Gift Aid. It’s easy. Simply gather together your unwanted foreign change and the charity will convert it into currency which will then go directly to the cause.

Other options

  • You may think it’s not worth exchanging leftover currency into local currency because of high buy-back rates but some providers will exchange money back with 0 per cent commission.
  • Another good option is to take a pre-paid currency card with you the next time you travel. Simply load the card with the country’s currency and use it at any ATM or shop.
  • Most airports have a box where you can drop any currency you have left before or after a trip.

Developing your holiday photos

  • There are many websites where you can share your pictures online, develop them in different sizes and have them delivered. Some are: Shutterfly and Snapfish.
  • Uploading your pictures to Flickr may net you plaudits and a world-wide audience.

Writing travel blogs

  • The best way to share your travel experiences with others is to write a travel blog which can include journal entries and photos. There are many websites that offer this service and most are free of charge. A couple of good ones are: and

Beating jet lag

It’s your first night back and you can’t sleep. You try everything: camomile tea, reading a book, even counting sheep but nothing seems to work. Jet lag can be very frustrating especially if you’re back to work after your trip, but there are many things you can do to avoid it:

  • As soon as you get on the flight, change your watch. This will help you adapt quicker to the time zone you’re travelling to.
  • If possible, make sure you arrive home during the day and spend a little time outside in the fresh air, this will help get rid of that lethargic feeling.
  • Adjust your bedtime and meal times to the country you’re in.
  • When you arrive home try to go out for a walk or do some light stretches, this will help you feel refreshed.
  • Drink plenty of water when you arrive to counteract the dehydration while on the plane.

For more information see our top tips to beat jet lag.

Post-Holiday blues

The adjustment from holiday to work can be difficult leaving many people with post-holiday blues. Here are a few suggestions that will help ease you back into your regular routine and fight the blues after your trip:

  • Try to stay in the holiday mood when you return to work. Whether it means leaving on time or taking short breaks throughout the day, just try to do something to break the monotony.
  • Don’t try to overwhelm yourself with piles of work or stay late because you feel guilty for going on holiday while your colleagues were in the office.
  • Plan your next trip. This will give you something to look forward to. To give you a bit of inspiration, and make sure you don’t miss out on the best deals available, sign up to our newsletter or keep an eye on our travel blog.
  • Share your travel experiences and tips with others. Two good travel community sites are: and

About the author

Oonagh ShielContent Manager at Cheapflights whose travel life can be best summed up as BC (before children) and PC (post children). We only travel during the school holidays so short-haul trips and staycations are our specialities!

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