
TACA Airlines flights and information

TACA Airlines Check-in | TACA Airlines baggage allowance | TACA Airlines legroom

Contact details


Reservations: 1-800-400-TACA (8222).


TACA Airlines

TACA Airlines Check-in

TACA recommends that passengers check in at the airport at least three hours prior to their scheduled flight departure.

TACA Airlines baggage allowance

Hand luggage: one item with a maximum weight of 10kg and total linear dimensions (length + height + width) of 45 inches.

Checked: TACA Economy class allows two checked items with combined weight of up to 45kg. Clase Ejecutiva allows up to three pieces with combined weight of up to 45 kg. In all cases, the maximum weight of each piece is (32kg, and the total linear dimension of each piece should not exceed 158cm.

Excess: a $100 (£50) overweight surcharge applies if combined weight exceeds 45kg.

TACA Airlines legroom

Seat pitch: 30-32 inches.

Pre-arranged seating

Available. Travellers can also request seats by calling TACA reservations.

Passenger change details

TACA permits refunds and changes up until the date of the original scheduled flight, for a $50 (£25) change fee. Refunds are permitted only for unused tickets (all flight coupons unused). Fares may be higher for travel dates changed less than seven days in advance.

Child fares

Children under two years of age may travel with TACA on an infant fare ticket which is 10 per cent of an adult fare. Infant tickets do not include a seat assignment, baggage allowance, or meal service. Children who require a seat can travel on a child fare ticket which is 75 per cent of an adult fare (restrictions apply). In this case, a baby seat may be placed on the seat, except during take-off and landing, provided that the seat is securely attached and meets all airline security requirements.

Senior fares



TACA does not accept live animals as checked baggage on any flights. Some animals (cats and dogs, including seeing-eye dogs) are accepted for transportation in the cabin. This costs $100 (£50) plus tax, unless the pet is carried in lieu of any other carry-on items, in which case there is no charge. Live animals are accepted as cargo on flights to and from Central America and South America only; for more information please see TACA CARGO.

Carrying musical instruments

Musical instruments may be checked, carried as carry-on baggage, or occupy a seat. One musical instrument per passenger is permitted (guitar, violin, trumpet, etc.)

In-flight service

Food is available to purchase in economy class on all TACA flights lasting more than two hours. Breakfast (sandwiches, fruit, pastries) and lunch (sandwiches, desserts) cost $5 (£2.50) each. There is no meal charge for children flying unaccompanied, as the cost of their meal is already included in their fare. Chips or pretzels, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages are offered free of charge on all long-haul flights. However, TACA does not offer special meals in either business or economy class on any flights.

Air miles

TACA’s frequent flyer programme is called Distancia.

Airline food link

See photographs of TACA in-flight meals taken by fellow flyers and read reviews at

In-flight magazine

TACA’s in-flight magazine, Explore, is available on every flight.

Airline alliances

TACA partners with American Airlines.

Airline overview

TACA, which stands for Transportes Areos del Continente Americano (or American Continent Air Transport) flies to 34 cities in 19 countries in the Western Hemisphere. TACA serves ten major cities in the United States; Toronto, Canada; Mexico City; all of Central America; and business and tourist destinations in South America and the Caribbean.

About the author

Oonagh ShielContent Manager at Cheapflights whose travel life can be best summed up as BC (before children) and PC (post children). We only travel during the school holidays so short-haul trips and staycations are our specialities!

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