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Whether you already know where and when you want to travel, or can be a bit flexible and are seeking some inspiration, Cheapflights is the perfect place to search for and plan the best trip. The Cheapflights Newsletter is also a great way to keep up with handpicked deals and vacation packages, delivered right to your inbox.
Airline strike – what are your rights as a passenger?
Picture this: You’re in a taxi to the airport, totally glowing and zen after a week on a Barcelona...
The 9 best places to break your New Year’s resolutions
If you're going to break a resolution, why not do it in style? We have nine spots that will...
Top 10 airport eateries for getting a taste of local flavour
Gone are the days when your only option for grabbing a bite at the airport was greasy fast food....
Top 10 Oscar-Worthy Filming Locations
In addition to fame and fortune, Hollywood’s biggest stars also have the opportunity to travel to impressive hot spots...
A guide to Amsterdam’s best pubs and bars
If you’re thinking about taking a trip to Amsterdam in the near future, here are some of most exciting...
Awesome eats in Orlando
If you enjoy experiencing local cuisine when travelling on holiday, then you’ll have plenty to keep you busy in...
Dine like a Royal in Tenerife
From stunning natural landscapes and luxury resorts, to exciting markets and vibrant bars, let’s take a look at how...
Dining out Down Under
If you’re thinking about taking a trip to Australia this year, here are some of the top places to...
Great places for a night out in Majorca
Majorca is perfect for families and couples alike, so just to get you started, here’s a shortlist of the...