
The Simien Mountains on the Ethiopian plateau are home to some of the most spectacular landscapes in the world and also some of the rarest animals in the world. The plateau has eroded over millions and millions of years creating great mountains and deep valleys that have spellbound all who have ventured there. In the 1970s it was one of the first UNESCO World heritage Sites and the rareness of some of the creatures has put it on the Sites In Danger list.

Gelada baboons can be seen in their groups throughout the National Park along with Simien Foxes, Ethiopian wolf and many animals and birds of a rich variety. The walia ibex for instance is a kind of goat that cannot be found anywhere else on earth. Bearded vultures and their huge 10m wingspan can be seen soaring in the sky. In fact the mountains are home to over 50 different kinds of bird.

Ras Dashan, Ethiopia’s highest mountain is within the range and most definitely should be on the list for a fantastic, unique, unforgettable mountain trek. The views are huge in these parts. The evolution of the immense erosion has caused great dramatic cliffs to form, dropping straight down into the green, nature-filled valleys and canyons below.

I personally feel that due to location it does not get the publicity and awareness of its needs out there enough. I am sure though that a trip to a place as wondrous as this is on the mind of many. Escape to a real, huge, different and unique african landscape, full of nature and culture. The Simien Mountains of Ethiopia!

About the author

Paul SteeleFounder of – Avid wanderer whom loves to share the great sights and hidden treasures of the world. From the mountains of his home in Cumbria to lands far away. Contributes regularly to Cheapflights, Visit Britain and Huffington Post

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