With many things in life, there are high expectations and then there is the reality.

When it comes to boarding a flight, the battle between our expectations and reality is no different. We grow up with cinematic images of airport love confessions or locking eyes with an attractive stranger across the plane, but the reality is often hours of less-than-ideal half sleep against a cold window (if we’re lucky). *shudders at thought of the middle seat*

We’re all about making the best of small bathrooms, subpar snacks and uncomfortable sleeping positions if it allows us to experience the world (especially if you’ve managed to bag yourself a seriously cheap flight with Cheapflights), but why can’t we end up next to that attractive stranger just once?

To celebrate the conundrum of expectation vs. reality, let’s reflect on what we all imagine (and the less ideal reality) we all experience when boarding a flight.

Maybe your next flight will be a super cheap flight you managed to book with us Cheapflights or it will be with the unexpected upgrade, all the leg room you could need and drinks sent to you from that attractive stranger in 6A. But you’ll never know if you don’t book that flight.

Did we miss any? Let us know in the comments.

About the author

Nicole RashotteIn addition to travel writing, Nicole creates content for several startups in the fashion, tech and corporate world. When not writing or doing community management, Nicole can be found forcing her dog into cuddles and Instagram photos, and searching for the perfect green tea.

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