
This might be the most unlikely in-flight movie ever. Seven hours of a train journey between Bergen and Oslo.

Rather than trying to speed up a long-haul flight with some high-octane programming, British Airways is launching a new style of “Slow TV” for those who believe that the journey is as important as the destination.

The Seven Hour Train Journey to Oslo was a breakout hit in Norway. More than a million Norwegians tuned in to the show at some point when it was originally aired on local channel NRK.

British Airways is the first carrier to air the seven-hour train journey, showing it on hundreds of flights (aircraft with Thales in-flight entertainment systems, including 787 and A380 aircraft) from next month.

This is wallpaper

British Airways’ in-flight entertainment manager, Richard D’Cruze said: “It fits perfectly with the ‘wallpaper’ style footage people find mesmerising in-flight, such as our moving maps which customers watch for endless hours!

“There’s definitely a hypnotic, calming and entertaining quality to ‘Slow TV’ that is perfect for in-flight entertainment.”

British Airways features more than 130 movies, 650 TV shows from around the world and some 550 audio albums and 225 radio shows in its in-flight entertainment systems.

Something to get the heartbeat racing?

Throughout this summer of sport, British Airways is showing highlights of major sporting events: football from Brazil, snippets of Formula 1 races and all the aces from the Wimbledon tennis championships.

If you cannot wait for your flight, watch part 1 here:

About the author

Oonagh ShielContent Manager at Cheapflights whose travel life can be best summed up as BC (before children) and PC (post children). We only travel during the school holidays so short-haul trips and staycations are our specialities!

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