
Being whisked away for a surprise romantic getaway is every girl’s dream, but an impromptu trip can soon turn into a nightmare for unsuspecting boyfriends, as their partners turn preparing for the short trip into something of a military operation.

Research commissioned by British Airways has revealed that boyfriends may need to spring any potential surprise breaks on their partner a full eight days before the actual event, in order to give them ample time to organise an envy-inducing holiday wardrobe.

The average woman’s lengthy pre-trip “to do” list includes getting a haircut, having beauty appointments, outfit planning, eating a lighter diet to feel better in swimwear, shopping trips for holiday outfits and accessories, and clearing their social diaries.

Commenting on the findings of the survey of 2,000 women, Abigail Comber, head of brands at British Airways, said: “The results emphasise the level of importance women place on getting the preparation before a trip exactly right.

“The element of surprise is clearly a dividing issue among British women but what has emerged is that the enjoyment of going away is enhanced if they feel they’ve been given enough time to get excited and can leave knowing things will be OK while they’re gone.

“There are a number of things people feel they have to achieve in order to fully enjoy a trip away and eight days’ notice is deemed just about right.”

Further figures from the research revealed that a minimum of nine outfits is essential for any short break, with one in four women saying that forgetting a key item had dampened their holiday mood.

More than a third of those questioned admitted to re-packing their suitcases several times to give themselves the peace of mind that they wouldn’t compromise their sense of style just because they were away from home.

Half of women surveyed also argued that baggage restrictions on some airlines had forced them to leave behind some of their holiday essentials.

Did you read our blog on how long it takes the post-holiday blues to lift? Read it here.

About the author

Oonagh ShielContent Manager at Cheapflights whose travel life can be best summed up as BC (before children) and PC (post children). We only travel during the school holidays so short-haul trips and staycations are our specialities!

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