
Cast your mind back to the time when you last felt totally relaxed and stress-free? How do you feel now? Scary, no?!

We recently conducted a piece of research on stress levels in the UK and the results were staggering… Results highlighted just how many of us are suffering from work related stress; the average Brit spends five years of their life stressing about their job. FIVE YEARS! It got us thinking, what could we do with those five years if we weren’t wasting them worrying?

“In our ‘always on’ world, everyone feels busier. And with the clocks changing, the sense of stress becomes even more evident as we battle through another British winter. BUT it’s frankly staggering that we waste five years stressing about work whilst searching for ideas and deals to get away from it all, with millions of flight options at our fingertips, it has never been easier to do.”

So, next time you feel your back go tense and your head spinning from stress – instead of fighting it, why don’t you think of ways to alleviate it; share your workload, become more organised, take more exercise OR take the time to book a holiday where you’ll get the rest and relaxation you really need.

About the author

Emily TaylorA London based content specialist, Emily has experience in social media, copywriting, events and graphic design. She is passionate about travel and has recently returned from a 7 month Latin American adventure. You’ll find more of her writing at

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