Today we launched Cheapflights Chat – a travel search in Facebook Messenger. It uses the latest technology from Facebook mixed with our flight search to help you find flights and hotels in your Messenger app.

To show you how it works here’s a video of a totally fictitious character called John Snow searching for a cheap flight in Messenger. Take it away John…

How to find a cheap flight

Open Messenger and start talking to Cheapflights. Use this link to start a conversation.

Tell Cheapflights Chat where you want to go and it will give you the average cheapest return flight in the near future.

For all the flight details just tap ‘book now’. If you ever get stuck just type help.

Get inspiration

If your first search doesn’t hit the spot, type ‘Inspire me’ to find a new and exciting destination you might not have thought about.

Win a trip

During the first month of the Cheapflights Chat you have the chance to win a trip to your dream destination. All you have to do is search for a flight in Facebook Messenger.

How to win:

  1. Search for a flight using Cheapflights Chat
  2. After you have done your first search tap the ‘Accept Ts&Cs’ to enter

Read the Ts&Cs here.

Find a hotel

Once you’ve found your perfect flight you can search for a hotel. You’ll get the top hotels available within your budget for the dates you’re flying.

Convert currency

Type ‘Convert 5.59 EUR to GBP’ and Cheapflights chat will convert this for you.

If you don’t know the currency code just ask us ‘what’s the currency in Thailand’ and we’ll give you the code.

Get a flight somewhere hot

Ask Cheapflights Chat ‘Where’s hot right now?’ and it will suggest flights to a destination where the weather is warm. Just get me somewhere hot now!

Cheapflights Chat in action

About the author

Oonagh ShielContent Manager at Cheapflights whose travel life can be best summed up as BC (before children) and PC (post children). We only travel during the school holidays so short-haul trips and staycations are our specialities!

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