
Some travel for the adventure; the opportunity to discover new landscapes, meet new people, and embrace the great unknown. For every regular place name you’ve never heard of, is a name you wouldn’t believe. Take a look at our compilation of funny place names from around the world, and remember: it’s not April 1st any longer.

Truth or Consequences, New Mexico

Talk about five minutes of fame. This unremarkable spa town in New Mexico changed its name from Hot Springs to Truth or Consequences during the 1950s, after a popular radio show of the same name promised to air from whichever town renamed itself first.

Beer Bottle Crossing, Idaho

You’ve got to wonder how a place comes to be named something so specific. Then again, maybe it’s better if you don’t.

Cockermouth, Cumbria

Cockermouth? In Cumbria? And you thought Cockfosters was funny… Boring, Oregon Not the best name this small town in Oregon might have given itself, but hopefully the locals have a great sense of humour. Boring is actually named after a civil war veteran, who lived to a ripe old age and was buried with his wife in the local cemetery.

Dull, Scotland

The only place more boring than Boring is Dull. Needless to say, these two were made for each other, and were officially twinned in 2012.

Okay, Oklahoma

Not much better than Boring or Dull, the name on this place is a permanent stamp of mediocrity that just won’t wash off. That said the residents seem “Okay” with it.

Wagga Wagga, Australia

Wagga Wagga. So good they named it twice.

Poopoo, Hawaii

As paradisal as we’re sure this small Hawaiian island is, one can’t help but be wary of a place named Poopoo.

My Large Intestine, Texas

The U.S.A. obviously has a knack for naming places, because here’s another corker. Apparently, the very concept of a place named My Large Intestine is so absurd that all GPS Mapping Services have refused to acknowledge it thus far.

Westward Ho!, Devon

Basically, any name that requires an exclamation mark to express itself is dynamite as far as we’re concerned.

Backside, Scotland

Located between Dufftown and Huntly in Aberdeenshire, Backside is surprisingly beautiful. Shame about the unfortunate name though.

No Name, Colorado

It looks like this place could have done with some help at the christening – from any or all of the above creative geniuses.

Feature © Joanna Poe/flickr

Written by insider city guide series Hg2 | A Hedonist’s guide to… whose guides cover all the best hotels, restaurants, bars, clubs, sights, shops and spas.

About the author

Elizabeth GourdElizabeth suffers from an acute case of wanderlust, which no amount of traveling or adventure can cure. She has lived in London, New York and Berlin, and is currently a writer for Hg2 | A Hedonist's Guide To…

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