
Today the pursuit of happiness equates to the pursuit of personal beauty. With ever-greater demands to achieve aesthetic splendour, spas are conceiving ever more unique treatments promising that ever-elusive perfect look. Here’s a round up of the Top 5 outrageous spa treatments on offer today.

Evian Bath – The Hotel Victor, Miami, USA

The world’s most expensive bath will lighten your wallet to the tune of $11,000. That’s $5,000 for the 350 gallons of Evian water (around 1,000 bottles-worth) used to fill the bath, and $6,000 for one night’s stay in the hotel’s penthouse, the only place in the world where you can take it. According to the hotel’s “Spa V” team, the bath will “revitalise the skin and purify the senses”. At $11,000 it probably comes with an overdraft-induced panic attack too.

UMO Gold Facial – Spas in US, Europe, Middle East and Asia

UMO claims their extensive international research and development have led them to a “100 per cent natural and exceptionally hydrating delivery system”. Translated: they’re confident their treatment will smooth those unwelcome wrinkles. A mask of 24 carat leaves costs around £350, depending on the location. You might want to consider going to a jewellery dealer instead – they let you leave with the gold.

Cactus Rub (Hakali) – Four Seasons, Punta Mita, Mexico

The signature treatment at this Mexican Four Seasons spa might sound like a wind-up, but it’s 100 per cent genuine. The Hakali is a “rejuvenating massage” where all-natural ingredients are applied to the skin using several nopal paddies (cacti leaves). You better hope the masseuse has steady hands – one slip and you’ll be treated to another kind of outrageous spa treatment – the world’s most extreme exfoliation. The price? $200 – scrapes come free.

BORBA’s Diamond and Ruby Peel – Los Angeles, USA

Made famous by Hollywood starlet Mila Kunis, Scott-Vincent Borba has conceived arguably the world’s most extravagant facial. It’s reported that Borba considers Kunis his muse, trying out new treatments on her before offering them to a public hungry for movie-star good looks. It’s unclear if she paid the reputed $7,000 cost. Now for the science bit: the rubies act as an antioxidant, while the diamonds polish the skin.

Real Beer Bath – Hotel U Sládka, Chodová Planá, Czech Republic

Ever woken with hangover so bad that it feels like you’ve drunk a vat of beer? What better way to work it off than by, well, bathing in a vat of beer? According to Chodavar brewers their pilsner possesses medicinal qualities (but you already knew that didn’t you!) Drinking the bath dry is not recommended – instead grab a cold one at the bar afterwards. This larger than average round is a bargain at less than £25.

Written by insider city guide series Hg2 | A Hedonist’s guide to…

(Image: Four Seasons)

About the author

Brett AckroydBrett hopes to one day reach the shores of far-flung Tristan da Cunha, the most remote of all the inhabited archipelagos on Earth…as to what he’ll do when he gets there, he hasn’t a clue. Over the last 10 years, London, New York, Cape Town and Pondicherry have all proudly been referred to as home. Now it’s Copenhagen’s turn, where he lends his travel expertise to

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