We’ve all been there – it’s the last day of the holiday and you still have some foreign currency left over, so what do you do with it?

Buy some last-minute fags and booze? Splash out on a posh meal? That may once have been the case, but not anymore.

That’s if the findings of a survey by foreign exchange company Moneycorp are to believed. It found that an increasing number of Brits are choosing to be sensible with their leftover cash.

The survey found that more than a third of us are now choosing to save the last of our holiday money.

When asked what we’d do with our leftover cash, 36 per cent of us said we would save it. This far outstripped the number of holiday makers choosing to blow the lot while they still had the chance.

Only 8 per cent of Brits said they would use it to buy last-minute cocktails or duty-free booze, while just 10 per cent said they would go for a slap-up meal.

It seems there is a gender divide when it comes to end-of-holiday drinks. While just 8 per cent of us would spend the last of our currency on final drinks, it was found that men are more than twice as likely to opt for alcohol as women.

But it’s not all frugality for holidaymakers, as the survey found that nearly one in five of us would use the last of our holiday cash to buy presents for our friends and family.

A little more worrying is the finding that a number of us would blow the last of our money on things that we might not include in the postcard to the parents.

It was found that 2 per cent of holidaymakers would indulge in activities such as gambling or visiting a strip club with their remaining cash, while 1 per cent would get a tattoo!

About the author

Oonagh ShielContent Manager at Cheapflights whose travel life can be best summed up as BC (before children) and PC (post children). We only travel during the school holidays so short-haul trips and staycations are our specialities!

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