Cheapflights: What do you always do when you travel – any routine procedures?
Ginny Light: Packing is a two-stage process. I pile my clothes, toiletries and gear two nights before I leave, then try and half it when I pack my suitcase the next night.

CF: What is your travel pet peeve?
GL: Hotels charging for wi-fi.

CF: What is your favourite kind of trip (preferences, romantic, city, beach etc)?
GL: Adventure.

Best destination you have ever been to and why?
GL: This is a tough one, and something I get asked all the time. Probably Thailand, where I did my first homestay and had my eyes opened to a different kind of travelling

CF: Where in the world offers the best value for money?
GL: Eastern Europe for cheap hotels, spas and beer

CF: Where would you pay to stay? Is there anywhere you think offers great value and a great deal?
GL: The Malmaison UK city hotels are good value if you can get the £99 a night deal. Plus there are loads of interesting posh camping sites popping up across Britain – I love The Old Forge in Dorset for its shepherd’s hut and the tipis at Deepdale backpackers in Norfolk.

CF: What is the best airport you have flown from and is there a tip to make this airport experience great?
GL: I love T5, now that it’s working properly – the queues for security are usually pretty short and the food options are great – Itsu for a grab-and-go or Wagamama if I have time to sit down, plus the shopping is great.

CF: When you fly, is there a tip you can share to make the experience a great one?
GL: If you like herbal tea, take your own teabags and ask for a cup of hot water from the steward.

CF: At one point in your life, you will have to sit in the middle seat when you fly. If you have two people next to you, who you most want to share a long haul with and whom would you least? And why.
GL: Least – anyone with a nasty cold. Most – Paul Theroux

CF: If there was one travel nightmare trip, where would it be to and what would it involve?
GL: The destination I was most disappointed with in recent years was Dubrovnik – I thought it was sterile and over-touristy. There were huge groups of cruise passengers being shown the city by umbrella-wielding tour guides – I’d have hated to be in own of those groups.

About the author

Oonagh ShielContent Manager at Cheapflights whose travel life can be best summed up as BC (before children) and PC (post children). We only travel during the school holidays so short-haul trips and staycations are our specialities!

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