Mark Hodson is the founder and editor of 101 Holidays and 101 Short Breaks. In his twenties he gave up a desk job at a newspaper to spend three years travelling in Asia and Latin America. He then spent 15 years as a full-time freelance travel journalist, mainly writing for The Sunday Times. He has visited more than 75 countries and had more than 500 newspaper and magazine articles published.

Cheapflights: What do you always do when you travel – any routine procedures?
Mark Hodson: This is going to sound really nerdy, but I have packing lists for different types of trips (city, beach, ski, long haul, business). I also keep a ready-packed toiletries bag containing miniature sized toothpaste, shaving foam, etc.

CF: What is your travel pet peeve?
MH: I find that many staff at airports – particularly in the UK – are unnecessarily officious and rude. I think it comes down to a fundamental disregard towards passengers as individuals. Airport and airline staff even joke privately that passengers are

About the author

Oonagh ShielContent Manager at Cheapflights whose travel life can be best summed up as BC (before children) and PC (post children). We only travel during the school holidays so short-haul trips and staycations are our specialities!

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