
Holidays are the one time where diets are willingly abandoned, and travellers prepare themselves to sample morsel after morsel of gastronomic delights.

But while many are keen to sample the best in world cuisine, few are happy to have their waistlines expand as a result.

Now research from Thomas Cook has revealed that piling on the pounds is simply unavoidable at some of the globe’s best-loved holiday spots.

The research found that a 10-day holiday can see holidaymakers unwittingly tipping the scales, with a diet of kebabs, tsatziki and chips in Cyprus hitting Brits’ physiques hardest.

Less than a fortnight in either Greek or Turkish parts of the Mediterranean island would see travellers gaining a weight-conscious 3.3lb.

Turkey came in second place in the weight-gain stakes, with holidaymakers putting on an average of 3lb during their stay. This was closely followed by Portugal with an average weight gain of 2.9lb. Americans’ love of large portions and fast food placed the US in fourth place.

Brits cited all-you-can-eat hotel buffets as the main reason behind their holiday overindulgence. Travellers also laid the blame at cheap cost, high-quality food overseas, a fact which makes them reach for a knife and fork time and again.

While trying out food in different countries is part of the fun of a holiday for many, one in five people said that the weight they gained on holiday had spoiled their trip.

Half of the 350 holidaymakers surveyed also admitted that they drunk more alcohol than usual on holiday.

For one in five travellers going on a break said that it had the opposite effect and actually helped them slim down.

Almost 75 per cent of those lucky people felt that this was down to being more active on holiday, while 55 per cent cited hot weather as the reason for them shedding the pounds.

Eating healthy food was the key reason behind 38 per cent losing weight on holiday, while 16 per cent argued that they had lost weight because beachwear demanded a trim figure.

Ireland, Canada and Germany emerged as the perfect destination for travellers who were looking to lose a pound or two.

(Images: nlivesey, IvanWalsh)

About the author

Oonagh ShielContent Manager at Cheapflights whose travel life can be best summed up as BC (before children) and PC (post children). We only travel during the school holidays so short-haul trips and staycations are our specialities!

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