
This absolutely stunning video is a visualisation of the air traffic over Europe on your typical summer’s day.

It was created by NATS (National Air Traffic Services) using real flight data, and though it may be incredibly beautiful, it depicts the immense amount of air travel that takes to the sky each and every day.

As you can see, the greatest concentration of lights is around London, the busiest airport system in the world taking in close to 150 million passengers every year. If you need further convincing on just how busy the skies above London are, Gatwick is the busiest single runway airport on the planet amd Heathrow is the busiest international airport in Europe!

On your average summer day, European airspace sees around 30,000 flights, which adds up to a total distance of 25 million miles – that’s equivalent to flying around the world just shy of one thousand times!

Feature image by NATS.

About the author

Olga SzokeOlga is a Hungary native, but London liver who often travels with her young family and enjoys tracking down under-discovered gems.

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